Fiche cheval ancient truth

R7C4 du

platnewmarket1400M580695darley dewhurst stakes (group 1)6 partantsdépart à 14:00
Non-partants : 6
15shadow of lightM21p2p1p1pwilliam buick/101:26
22expandedM21pryan moore/1encolure
31ancient truthM21p1p1pjames doyle/1encolure
44seagulls elevenM23p2p1p2poisin murphy/13 l
53rock of cashelM26p4p1p8pw.m. lordan/11 l 3/4
6the lion in winterM21p1pryan moore/1

R6C4 du

platnewmarket july1400M116139superlative stakes (class 1) (group 2)9 partantsdépart à 14:25
Non-partants : 5 - 6 - 8
11ancient truthM21p1pwilliam buick/101:25
27seagulls elevenM21p2prossa ryan/11 l 1/2
39wimbledon hawkeyeM21psilvestre de sousa/11 l 3/4
43columnistM23p1pjames doyle/1tete
52assertivelyM22p6p4p1pclifford lee/11 l 3/4
64line of forceM21p1pcallum rodriguez/11 l 3/4
5pap's turfM21p4pneil callan/1
6pentle bayM22p1pbilly loughnane/1
8the parthenonM21p5pryan moore/1
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